What Good Are Fertigator Fertilizer Systems?
Fertigator Fertilizer systems are a type of fertigation system. Fertigation, usually used among landscapers, is a type of automatic fertilizer injection system that can be connected to any in-ground sprinkler system. You might consider this process as a form of "spoon feeding" your soil, since the objective is to send small amounts of fertilizer through an irrigation system each time the system becomes active. The actual process of fertigation has been used in agriculture for over three decades. Even other retail industries have begun using this technology to their advantage.
Fertigator Fertilizer systems refer to a type of fertigation system and one that is sold by the Fertigator Company to consumers or commercial businesses. Fertigator Fertilizer systems are becoming increasingly popular by both personal and professional markets who appreciate the simplicity involved. What are the benefits of these systems? The technology involved (supplying plants with small amounts of fertilizer on a consistent basic and through an irrigation system) allows plants to thrive in a healthier environment. The fertigation process keeps nutrients flowing regularly, and plans need these nutrients if they are to grow. Some landscapers might recommend slow-release fertilizers instead of fertigation systems (since seemingly, these fertilizers would perform the same action), however, these systems are more time consuming and tend to be on the expensive side.
When you compare Fertigator Fertilizer systems to the "traditional" way of monthly fertilizing lawns then you also see a huge difference. Traditional fertilization tends to overfeed plants, as plants use up most of the nutrients in the first few days following treatment. (Sort of like your goldfish) So essentially, after some time passes, you "starve" your lawn of these nutrients, at least until you administer treatment a second time. Feast or famine, indeed. Traditional fertilizer also uses a heavy amount of chemicals. Unnatural chemicals plus long starvation periods plus initial overfeeding does not exactly prime your lawn for its fullest potential. Besides, this unhealthy process is also very time-consuming for the average homeowner.
Fertigator Fertilizer systems are a welcomed relief to anyone who has ever toiled over the traditional irrigation process. Fertigator Fertilizer systems automatically fertilize your lawn every time the sprinkler system comes on. This process feeds plants nutrients on a regular basis so that both overfeeding and starvation effects are eliminated. The company also arranges for some types of maintenance, for example, state-licensed pest control. However, much of the maintenance you would expect is not needed because the fertilizer is organic and has natural weed repellants. All the maintenance that is really necessary is that you refill the fertilizer container. All in all, Fertigator Fertilizer systems are designed to be mostly maintenance free.
FertiGator products are available at over 500 wholesale distributors, as well as through online purchase. The company also works with contractors so customers have the option of professional installation, though DIYers should have no problem. If you are looking for a convenient and healthy solution to lawn irrigation, then dig into Fertigator Fertilizer systems for the best results.
Richard Gilliland is VP of GreenMarkIrrigation.com a online wholesale distributor of Fertigator fertilizer systems and Irrigation Supplies fertilizer systems.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_A_Gilliland
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